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Halloween Safety Tips Amidst COVID-19

Posted by lbhunt on October 27, 2020

Halloween may look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Your family may decide to forgo the usual activities and have a night in, filled with treats and spooky activities. Based on current COVID-19 recommendations for your area, you may decide to make some adjustments to your holiday routine to keep everyone safe and still have a good time.


Certain Halloween activities may involve a higher risk than others during the pandemic. Indoor parties, potlucks, and haunted houses are a higher risk activity that you may want to avoid. Outdoor events such as corn mazes and hayrides may have reduced risk, and wearing a mask is recommended. A night of trick-or-treating can offer less risk by following these tips.


  1. Wear a mask. Make sure everyone has a mask and stays masked up through the evening.


  1. Avoid large groups. Family members should stay together and maintain social distance when encountering other people on the sidewalks. Wait until previous trick-or-treaters have left the porch before going to the door.


  1. Keep hand sanitizer with you and use it frequently. Make your contact with the person giving out treats as short as possible.


  1. If you are in charge of handing out candy, wear a mask. Do not allow children to serve themselves. Do not leave a bowl of candy on the porch. Stay outside during peak hours to reduce the need to touch doors and doorbells. Wipe down high-touch surfaces during the evening and at the end of the night. Wash your hands frequently.


Halloween is a fun tradition for many families. If you choose to go trick-or-treating in your Salt Lake City neighborhood, make sure to follow the COVID-19 recommendations for your area. LB Hunt Management Group offers property management in Salt Lake City communities. Contact us to find your next rental.

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