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The Benefits of “Shoes in the Dirt” Commercial Property Management

Posted by katryna on September 3, 2021

For almost all property management companies, the goal of what they provide to their property owners is turnkey income, as well as a peaceful experience, free of the worries and hassles of responding to every call, and a steady flow of income on the uptake. Unfortunately, this deliverable goal often is also what property managers seek for themselves. They turn quickly into invisible management, barely visiting the property, checking up rarely, and not knowing most of the tenants’ names. Down the line, an invisible property manager is a liability to your property — a disaster waiting to happen.

What you should be looking for is a property manager who is exactly the opposite of that, a “shoes in the dirt” approach. This means that your property manager is truly on top of things, visiting each of your properties, and knowing the community around them, what their concerns are, and what the concerns of the tenants in your buildings are. By visiting each site and each tenant, this approach helps them spot problems before they occur, rather than trying to repair the damage after it’s already been done. It can help you in calling the handyman for small jobs rather than full repairs and replacements.

Unlike a lot of other property management companies in Utah, LB Hunt stays consistently involved in the community that surrounds your property and takes proper care of it. If this sounds like the type of care that you think your property deserves, then drop us a line and see what we can do for you.

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