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3 Things to Look for in an Effective Commercial Property Manager

Posted by katryna on August 4, 2021

When you own a commercial property, one of the best things you can do to protect your investment is to hire a property management company. A management firm will oversee all the fine details that would be stressful to handle alone and ensure that your building is running smoothly. While many commercial investors have caught on to the value of property managers, few know what to look for to ensure that they are getting the very best service. Here are some things to look for in an effective commercial property manager.

  1. Transparency

Before you hire a management company, it is important that they are transparent about their policies, practices, and history. If the management company can’t give you straightforward answers to your questions, look elsewhere.

  1. Accountability

A good property management company will be able to list their responsibilities, and work through how they can carry them out in your building. Then, the company should have a straightforward method to demonstrate the completion of each.

  1. Standard Operating Procedures

Property management companies should have an outline of the standard operating procedures that dictate how they will run your building. If they can’t give you a definitive description of how they operate, they are not organized enough to protect your investment.

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For a property management company that will not only protect your investment, but help it to grow, contact LB Hunt today. We have been serving the Salt Lake City area for decades and can help ensure your commercial property provides a substantial return on your investment.

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